
Capture and reproduce detail from the human body safely and accurately.

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Smooth-On Alja-Safe® alginate and Body Double® silicone rubber have become Hollywood favorites and industry standards for capturing / reproducing detail from the human body.  Formulated to be entirely skin safe mold materials (both are certified skin safe), these products are used for;

Small projects such as reproducing infant’s hands and feet to make forever-lasting castings of a new birth event.  Also, reproducing finger prints by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.

Intermediate projects such as reproducing detail of someone’s fingers, hands, feet or a face for school art projects, making movie special effects or making orthotic and orthopedic appliances, making medical training aids and more.

Large projects such as reproducing a torso (face to mid-section) or entire body (head to toe) for making movie special effects, castings for museums, medical training aids and more.